What is the bathroom visualizer?

We are very pleased to announce the immediate availability of our new bathroom visualizer design tool. This interactive software allows potential customers and dealers to visually design their ideal bathroom spaces with a large number of Innovate Building Solutions products. This includes a variety of our laminate wall panels, shower pans, bathtubs, vanities, accessories, and more!

Dealers and customers alike can create an account within the tool to save their designs and share them with others. We encourage our dealers to create an account as a quick and easy way to create and save designs for their customers.

Promotional Images

The following call-to-action (CTA) images are available for use on your website. To allow flexibility of placement there are a number of different sizes available from a large full-width banner, medium banner, medium square, and small banner.

Large CTA banner

USAGE: Ideally used to take up the full width of your site. Could be used as a large eye-catching interstitial section between other content. Not ideally used shrunk down in smaller areas–see other options below.

Bathroom Visualizer CTA
<a href="https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/visualizer?dealer=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
  <img src="https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/dealers/downloads/Bath-viz-CTA-lg.jpg" width="1200" height="480" alt="Bathroom Visualizer CTA">
Download image

Medium CTA banner

USAGE: Could be used as an inline banner element in a blog post or around other content columns.

Bathroom Visualizer CTA
<a href="https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/visualizer?dealer=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
  <img src="https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/dealers/downloads/Bath-viz-CTA-md.jpg" width="640" height="360" alt="Bathroom Visualizer CTA">
Download image

Medium CTA square

USAGE: Could be used as an inline element in a blog post or around other content columns. Is also able to be scaled down and could function like a advertisement sized element in a sidebar column.

Bathroom Visualizer CTA
<a href="https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/visualizer?dealer=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
  <img src="https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/dealers/downloads/Bath-viz-CTA-md2.jpg" width="600" height="500" alt="Bathroom Visualizer CTA">
Download image

Small CTA

USAGE: The smallest CTA available can be versatile in placement along other content, or in headers/footers. Should still be legibile if shrunk down slightly.

Bathroom Visualizer CTA
<a href="https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/visualizer?dealer=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
  <img src="https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/dealers/downloads/Bath-viz-CTA-sm.jpg" width="640" height="180" alt="Bathroom Visualizer CTA">
Download image

How do I add it to my website?

Please work with your webmaster or website administrators to implement these promotional images as you see fit. Below each promo image above you will see the HTML code needed to display the link and the image combined.

If your website is built with a visual tool/software, please download the image(s), and add them to your site while remembering to link the image to https://innovatebuildingsolutions.com/visualizer?dealer=true

If desired, we also encourage you to add a link to the bathroom visualizer in your main navigation menu. The process for this will vary from website-to-website so please work with your webmaster or site administrators to achieve this result.