Posts Tagged ‘content marketing’

How to End Your Pay Per Click (PPC) Addiction and Get Better Quality Remodeling and Home Building Leads with Content

End you pay per click addiction and get quality leads | Innovate Building Solutions | #PayPerClick #MarketingTips #QualityLeads
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I’m going to come clean right up front and tell you I HATE Pay Per Click (PPC). Paying more and more and more (isn’t that redundant?) for PPC ads with declining returns is a place I’d rather not be.

That’s why I was SO happy when I saw my PPC spending last month was a grand total of $59.48. This is because we paused all PPC campaigns for our remodeling, nationwide wholesale and home organization businesses earlier in the month. Our spending…

5 Myths You Need to Blow Up to Take Your Digital Marketing Game to the Next Level (Part 1 of a 2 Part Series)

Opening image digital marketing myths to blow up | Innovate Building Solutions | Innovate Builders Blog | #DigitalMarketing #RemodelingBusiness #MarketingTip #GrowingBusiness
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If you’re a remodeling contractor and are overwhelmed by digital marketing, you’re not alone. What do all these fancy acronyms mean? What is SEO, PPC, SEM anyway? You may be asking, how can I bid, coordinate and install jobs and still find time to create ‘content’ (whatever that means) and post on social media? How can I generate more new leads and make sure past customers remember about me without bleeding my budget dry with Pay Per…