When TO USE (and when NOT TO USE) the new 40” wide Quick Installation (Q.I. Series) Fibo laminate wall panels

To quote Mark Twain….
“To a man (or woman … I’m going to modernize this saying) who only has a hammer, everything he/she encounters begins to look like a nail.’
And how true this is in life, and in the bathroom remodeling business.
For example, if you ONLY install tile – you think every customer should want a tile shower.
And if you’re only selling ‘bath-in-a-day’ acrylic wall panels (or 24” wide laminate wall panels) – you think every project should use this solution.
And – this just ain’t so. Or as Satchel Paige was known to say (and if you don’t know Satchel Paige is, he was the first African American pitcher in the major leagues) ….
“It’s not what you know, it’s what you know that just ain’t so!”
The great thing about the building material industry – and about the grout free wall panel market in particular – is methods and materials ARE CHANGING FAST. There are different options to fit different projects. And that’s why I can say with 100% confidence…..
“Just because you have a hammer (or a particular wall surround system you like to use) – doesn’t mean the job in front of you is a nail (or the right project for this system)!”
So, whether your favorite bath or shower surround material is tile, acrylic panels, or 24” wide Fibo laminate wall panels DOES NOT mean these solutions are the right fit for every job!
And even though my favorite wall panels are 24” wide click-lock laminate panels, they ARE NOT the right fit for every job (and as a nationwide wholesaler of these panels, did I actually say that? Ha! Ha!).
And just because I love the styles, patterns, colors, and ease of installation of 24” wide Fibo panels doesn’t mean it has (or will) eliminate tile, acrylic, cultured stone – or any of the wall surround systems from the market for that matter.
Some people still love acrylic because it’s a slap-em-up-quick glue up’ to get in and get out in a day.
Some people love tile because of the infinite pattern possibilities.
Let’s face it, bathroom remodeling projects are NOT a ‘one-size-fits-all’ proposition. And the engineers at Fibo Systems (the original manufacturer of 3/8” thick laminate wall panels) understood this when they examined how to make their wall panel line better and more comprehensive for contractors and consumers. And towards this end they developed …..
The 40” wide Q.I. (Quick Installation) Wall Panel Series
And while this is a wonderful advancement for Fibo installers and Fibo dealers already using this product (or a bathroom contractor looking to become a dealer)– the real question is (1) when should you use the 40” wide Fibo wall panels and conversely (2) when you should NOT use the 40” wide panels?
And in this article – my goal is simple.
First, I’ll give 5 reasons (and situations) where you SHOULD use the 40” panels.
Then second – I’ll list 4 reasons (and situations) where you SHOULD NOT use the 40” wide Q.I. (Quick Installation) series of laminate wall panels. And at the end I’d love your opinion on if you’d like to use this new offering for your business -and if so, where you’d use them.
So, let’s dig in.
Reason #1 to use 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When you are competitively bidding projects and reducing labor costs is critical
In a ‘dream world’ price wouldn’t matter. You’d use whatever material you liked on whatever project you liked.
But in the real world you KNOW this ain’t the case.
For example, if you’re a home access contractor bidding state waiver projects you know you not only need to provide a good price – but in too many cases you’re bidding against contractors who ARE NOT the brightest ‘tools in the shed’ (just keepin’ it real). They use cheap materials with ridiculously low labor prices.
Using the 40” panels with the glue up installation method – saves significant labor time (because you will only have one click-lock joint in a standard tub to shower conversion).
Bottom line – these panels are wider and quicker to install.
Reason #2 to use 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When your customers chooses the popular cracked cement pattern.
Cracked cement has been the top selling pattern since our wholesale business began selling the Fibo line in 2018 (although right now it’s popularity is ‘neck and neck’ with the 24” x 24” bianco marble pattern).
Because this pattern works with ‘earth tone’ and ‘grey’ color schemes, there’s a lot of cracked cement jobs sold. And if you sell a project with cracked cement you can order the 40” panels vs. the 24” panels to speed up your installations.
Reason #3 to use 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When you need a quick delivery.
Why wait 4 to 12 weeks for products like cultured marble or cultured granite wall panels?
This wait slows your cash flow, or worse yet – could cause a homeowner (or government agency) to choose a contractor who can get the job done quicker.
With the 40” panels (or the 24” laminate panels for that matter also) you can get shower or tub surround panels shipped immediately from inventory!
Reason #4 to use 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When you control what pattern is used AND want to offer a better look than your competitors.
Although it’s critical in the retail bath remodeling market to give consumers choices – when it comes to state waiver programs it’s less about style than it is about price.
And in these projects it’s usually the contractor who picks the wall surround material (after it’s approved by the state or government agency).
And for these jobs a pattern like the 20” wide x 12” high white high gloss panels in the 40” wide Q.I. series (Quick Installation) can make a ton of sense.
They look more contemporary than small subway tile patterns (used by many competitors) which make a small bathroom look smaller (because subway tiles are tiny). And 40” wide laminate panels install quickly. This is a bonus to your profit margins.
Reason #5 to use 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When you want your panels to be taller AND deeper to save finishing work.
If you’re using 80” high fiberglass panels today which put you in the unenviable position of needing to use finishing materials above the wall surround – or on the outside edges of the preformed panels – you know this is not only a P.I.A. – but it reduces profit margins.
And here’s a cool fact to know with the 40” wide Q.I. Series. When you’re buying a 4-panel tub to shower conversion kit with 40” wide x 94.4” tall panels, you’ll not only reach the ceiling (to eliminate trims and finishing work) – but the panels are also deep enough to cover 40” deep side walls.
And while it’s nice to know where you SHOULD use this Q.I. series of laminate wall panels – it’s equally important to know when you SHOULD NOT use them. And here’s 4 reasons where you shouldn’t use the Fibo 40” panels.
Reason #1 to NOT USE 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When your customer wants intricate (and realistic looking) tile patterns with the convenience of a grout free wall system.
While the 40” panels (which come in 2 patterns – cracked cement and a white high gloss with a 20” x 12” tile look) make a lot of sense for a project where quick installation times are critical, there’s cases where a homeowner wants the unique look of wall panels in an intricate tile look. For example, they may like patterns like black hexagon, or 45 degree white herringbone but don’t won’t the hassle of grout joints.
In these instances, the 24” wide laminate panels are a sound answer.
Reason #2 to NOT USE 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When you need the cheapest wall panels you can get your hands on.
Even if you buy 40” wide laminate wall panels (which are moderately priced) – there’s NOT the cheapest grout free wall panels. This distinction belongs to fiberglass (the panels many homeowners want you to remove) or F.R.P. (Fiberglass Reinforced Panels) panels you see in truck stops or fix and flip properties in low-income neighborhoods.
And although as a contractor you may not love working with cheap materials (which are often a pain to install) – sometimes selling a low-budget project forces you to use low-end materials.
Reason #3 to NOT USE 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When your customer wants a bold ‘maximalist’ color.
While the 40” wide cracked cement wall panel is versatile (because it has gray and beige colors), and the 20” x 12” white high gloss 40” wide panel is contemporary – yet classic – neither pattern makes a bold impact when you enter the room.
This is where you could choose patterns like smokey blue sacked subway or charcoal gray which are only available in the 24” wide Maximalist series.
Reason #4 to NOT USE 40” wide Q.I. series of laminate wall panels– When your customer demands intricate patterns you can only create in tile wall surrounds.
While tile shower surrounds are time-consuming to install and require a lot more maintenance (because of their grout joints) – there’s no denying the artistry you can create in tile shower walls is unsurpassed.
There are times when any grout free wall panel system just won’t ‘cut the mustard’ for a client. And in these instances, if you want to sell them what they want – you’ll need to choose tile.
So, where would 40” wide Q.I. (Quick Installation) series of laminate wall panels make sense for you? Do you have questions about this product?
So, after reading this article do you think 40” wide wall panels would make sense for your business? And if so – where would you consider using them?
And while I know this was a quick primer on this new offering – I know you may have more questions.
If so call Innovate Building Solutions at 888-467-7488 to talk about the new 40” wide series or the broad selection of 24” wide Fibo wall panels, shower replacement kits, or accessories.
These products are geared to not only improve margins with more time-effective installations – but also to differentiate what you’re selling from the ‘cut-rate’ installers in your market.
Call 888-467-7488 and talk to Mike or visit the bathroom products dealership area of our site. We’re looking forward to assisting you.
And if you’d like to connect on LinkedIn, you’ll find me https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikefoti/
Tags: 24” wide Fibo panels, 40” wide Fibo panels, 45 degree herringbone wall panels, bath in a day dealership, bath in a day installation, bath products dealership, bath remodeling panels, bath wall panel dealership, bath wall panels, bathroom contractor dealership, charcoal gray wall panels, cracked cement wall panels, fast installation tub shower replacement kits, Fibo 40 inch wide wall panels, Fibo wall panels, lower installation labor costs wall panels, maximalist wall panels, QI series wall panels, quick delivery wall panels, Quick Install Series, Quick Install wall panel series, shower replacement kits, shower wall panels, smokey blue wall panels, stacked subway wall panels, taller wall panels, tile shower surround, tub to shower conversions, wall panels for tub to shower conversions