9 Reasons why your accessible remodeling or medical supplies business should do bathroom modifications

Two months ago, I moderated a panel titled How to Make Accessible Bathroom Remodeling Work for You at the Building Opportunities Summit. This conference was hosted by VGM Live at Home (which is a member services group of accessible remodeling contractors and their suppliers).
Since the largest number of falls occur in the bathroom, and given that this group of contractors (which also includes companies who sell and rent medical supplies and equipment) is focused on age in place and accessible remodeling already, it was logical to discuss the benefits of remodeling bathrooms to its members.
And fortunately for me, I not only was able to add my ‘2 cents worth’ into the discussion but was joined by 3 amazing industry professionals. They’ve ‘been-there, done that’ when it comes to growing businesses doing age in place (or accessible) bathroom remodels. And even though I won’t ask you to spell the pros on the panels last names correctly (because it wouldn’t be easy as you’ll see below), but they were:
- Frank Wasilewski – Vice President, All About Access
- Robert Gurinowitsch, NE Regional Manager, BestBath
- Jared Chevraux, Executive Vice President, JTEK Solutions Group
So, you may be wondering why your accessible remodeling (which may already be installing ramps and stairlifts) or durable medical equipment business should get into bathroom remodeling? Well – here’s 9 reasons this group of panelists and I felt were compelling:
Reason #1 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– You can start small and grow as your team gets more comfortable with the work
Whenever you add a new service or product line, as you know it ‘ain’t easy!’ There’s new product features and installation systems to learn. This will take time.
However, as Frank Wasilewski said, “Getting into bathroom modifications isn’t an all or nothing proposition. I’d recommend starting small. Install some grab bars or handheld showers. Let your team get comfortable working in the bathroom before doing tub to shower conversions or one level wet rooms.”
You don’t need to feel intimidated by the bathroom. Look for simple ways you can help your existing customers. Start small, but don’t overlook growing into large projects.
Reason #2 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– It’s not a ‘one size fits all’ business. You can design this business segment around the type of projects you’d like to do.
Whether your business today is driven by waiver work or private pay jobs, there’s an opportunity to expand into bathroom modifications. And while the size and scope of the market is huge, this doesn’t mean you need to ‘do it all’ to add value as a bathroom modifications contractor.
As Frank said,“I was eating breakfast with a few contractors at the conference today who were all working in bathroom. And the funny thing is we’re all approaching the bathroom business differently. Some are only doing small modifications. Others insisted on using tile for their projects. Still others (like our company) don’t want to touch time-consuming tile jobs with a 10’ pole. We focus on grout free shower walls and grout free shower pans. It proves this IS NOT a one-size-fits all’ business!”
You can customize your bathroom remodeling division to the products, processes, and services you feel make the most sense for your team and market.
Reason #3 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– There’s products and installation systems to make projects simpler AND more profitable.
Here’s a weird fact for you. The largest bathroom remodelers in this country ARE NOT the companies doing complex (and high end) tile jobs.
The largest bathroom remodelers are companies using grout free shower wall panel and base systems to provide time effective, yet stylish finished projects. You DO NOT need to install the fanciest products to maximize your bottom line from bathroom jobs.
And when I brought up time-effective bathroom products for age in place or accessible remodels it was logical for Robert Gurinowitsch (AKA Robert G. in the industry) whose companies sells products focused on this market to chime in with ‘everyone NEEDS TO USE BestBath products.’ And while this was a playful jab at me (since my company Innovate Building Solutions also provides stylish wall panels and stone shower pans for this market), Robert was entirely correct in saying, BestBath has excellent systems and products to help a bathroom modifications contractor make money in this market.
Look for products and installation systems which are simple to install, simple for your customer to clean, safe, and dare I say it…..stylish!
Reason #4 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– You don’t have to ‘go it alone.’
If you suffer with SGD (and if you don’t know what this stands for, its Stubborn Guy (or Gal) Disease) and you’re the type who will waste a half hour being lost before asking for directions, then this is a tip you’ll want to read twice if you’re considering entering this market.
As Jared Chevraux has helped me (and as Robert G. has modeled for him) there’s tons of advantages to be mentored by the ‘best of the best’ to make your entry into the bathroom modifications market simpler.
For example, I’m sure Jared, Robert, Frank, and I would all vouch for the value we’ve received being a member of the VGM Live at Home network. It’s filled with the ‘best and brightest’ accessible remodeling contractors who aren’t afraid to share secrets to success.
In addition, as one supplier chimed in during the presentation – you can/should lean on your suppliers to get started. I’m sure Robert G. (for BestBath) and me (for Innovate Building Solutions) know the way to help you grow is to provide resources (and training) to get comfortable with the products and installation systems. So, please lean on your suppliers for help.
Reason #5 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– You don’t need to be a ‘one stop shop’ to sell bigger projects.
As Jared said during the program, “You don’t have to do it all, to provide it all. For my Canton Ohio business I’ve develop relationships with local glass suppliers for custom glass showers enclosures and with local countertop companies. We don’t try to be the expert supplier and installer for every trade we need. Qualified subcontractors are critical to grow an accessible bath remodeling business.”
So – while it may be tempting to try to be ‘all things to all people,’ it’s usually not profitable and can be costly if you don’t have the expertise to supply and install all the products your customers want or need. Where needed – find good subs, then hire them.
Reason #6 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– You can provide safety where people need it most inside the home…the bathroom
Bathrooms are wet, slippery, and dangerous. And falls in bathrooms can force someone’s mom or dad from comfortably aging in place in their current home and push them into an assisted living facility – even if they go ‘kicking if they still can and screaming in the process!’
If you got into accessible remodeling or the medical supplies business because you love to help others – it’s important to prioritize where your help can add the most value.
Besides adding a ramp or lift to get into the home – once people are inside, the bathroom is an extremely dangerous place to navigate. And climbing over a tub rail (if your customer’s mobility isn’t good) is an accident waiting to happen.
If you get into the bath remodeling business, you can help your customers age in place and keep them out of expensive assisted living facilities (which have an average cost of $5,000 per month according to Genworth Cost of Care).Image Source: JTEK Solutions Group LLC
Reason #7 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– Increase your average order size.
While there’s nothing wrong with focusing on smaller installation projects (like ramps or grab bar installations), the challenge is you have to make A LOT of stops in a day (and put extensive wear and tear on your vehicles) when they’re on the road continuously traveling between jobs.
Since bath to shower conversions (which are a good portion of the accessible bathroom modifications projects) range in price from $10,500 to $14,500 according to Robert G. – they can generate a far higher margin dollar/crew/day than small projects.
And if you want to get an idea of the retail prices for private pay bath to shower conversions to see how much you can charge for these jobs, read A Comprehensive Guide to the Cost of An Installed Tub to Shower Conversion.
Reason #8 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– You can be a ‘care-taker’ not just a contractor
Let’s face it – contractors are not always homeowners favorite people in the world (and as a matter of fact dishonest contractors have made life really tough on honest contractors – who are obviously in the majority).
And when it comes to age in place (or accessible) remodeling the stakes are higher because these projects are often done because they’re a need. They HAVE TO WORK for your customer’s mom or dad to be able to stay in their home.
And what can be more satisfying than being able to be a ‘care-taker’ (as someone mentioned during this panel conversation – and I wish I could give them credit here) vs. simply a ‘contractor’ looking to take their money.
When it comes to accessible remodeling people need your expertise to make a bathroom work for their mom, dad, son, daughter etc. Your role as not only a contractor – but as a caregiver – is critical. This is truly a place where you can ‘not only do a job, but also make a difference’ through your knowledge and installation expertise.
Reason #9 to Add Bathroom Modifications to Your Business– You can add more value to your existing customers – and build your email list
Whenever you can do more work for past customers it’s more profitable than finding brand new customers (especially with growing marketing costs today).
So, if you’ve already supplied this customer with a wheelchair or installed a ramp a few years ago – it’s nice to go back (since they already trust you) and do a bathroom remodeling project today.
Become a Dealer
In addition, you also can use your bathroom jobs as a place to get started with a new customer who you can add to your email database and let them know (weekly or monthly) about your other products and services.
So – do you think it makes sense to add bathroom modifications to your business? How can I (or the members of this panel) assist you with this decision and/or with the right mix of products for your projects?
So, after reading these 9 reasons to add bathroom modifications to your business do you think it could make sense for you to get into this biz? Why or why not? Feel free to call me (or a member of this panel) to discuss this opportunity – and if our products or consulting expertise can help you to grow.
To learn more about the Innovate bathroom modifications dealership program and how to successfully implement it in your business, take one of these steps:
- Call 888-467-7488 and ask to speak to Mike about our bathroom modifications dealership
- Request free laminate wall panel samples.
- Fill out our become a dealer form.
And if you’d like to connect with one of the panelist you can reach them as follows:
- Frank Wasilewski – President, All About Access – 630-616-6249
- Robert Gurinowitsch, NE Regional Manager, BestBath – 330-620-6610
- Jared Chevraux, Executive Vice President, JTEK Solutions Group – 330-526-6009
Thanks for reading and learning more about adding bath remodels to grow your business. I look forward to assisting you – Mike.
Mike Foti,
President, Innovate Building Solutions
In addition, if you’d like to connect on LinkedIn, you’ll find me at
Tags: accessible remodeling, accessible remodeling contractor, accessible remodeling dealer, All About Access, bath mods contractor, bathroom modifications contractor, bathroom modifications remodeler, BestBath, BestBath dealer, DME installer, DME supplier, grout free shower pans, grout free shower wall panels, Innovate Building Solutions dealer, JTEK Solutions Group, low profile shower pan, marketing bathroom modifications, medical equipment company, medical supplies company, ramped shower pan, remodeler who does bath modifications, tub to shower conversion contractor bathroom modifications, tub to shower conversions, value of a bathroom remodel, VGM Live at Home, wall panel dealership, wall panel dealership program