Posts in the ‘Entrepreneurship’ Category

Why you can’t afford to be a ‘behind the times contractor’ (and what you can do about it)

why you can't afford to be a behind the times contractor | Innovate building solutions | innovate builders blog | #RemodelingContractor #BathroomContractor #HomeBuilder #Contractortips
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Sitting alone with your cup of coffee at 5:30 in the morning the question hit you like a ton of bricks. You asked yourself…

“Why does it have to be so hard today running and making money in my remodeling business? What am I doing wrong? Others are growing. I feel stuck in the mud, behind the times. I’m working longer and harder than ever. And for what? I’m bringing home less every year!”

When you launched your remodeling business 15 years ago…

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore ‘Home- Grown’ Digital Marketing for Your Remodeling Business

Reason you shouldn't ignore home grown digital marketing for your remodeling business | Innovate Builders Blog | #DigitalMarketing #RemodelingBusiness #BestMarketingTips
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Do you ever wish you could go back to the ‘good old days’ of lead generation for your remodeling and building business? You’d do a home show and people would actually be eager to sign up for a Free Estimate. You’d run a promotion in your local TV guide (remember those coffee table books?) and your phones would ring off the hook. You’d buy the biggest ad in the Yellow Pages and dominate your market.

Oh, how times have changed.

Your last home show…

How to End Your Pay Per Click (PPC) Addiction and Get Better Quality Remodeling and Home Building Leads with Content

End you pay per click addiction and get quality leads | Innovate Building Solutions | #PayPerClick #MarketingTips #QualityLeads
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I’m going to come clean right up front and tell you I HATE Pay Per Click (PPC). Paying more and more and more (isn’t that redundant?) for PPC ads with declining returns is a place I’d rather not be.

That’s why I was SO happy when I saw my PPC spending last month was a grand total of $59.48. This is because we paused all PPC campaigns for our remodeling, nationwide wholesale and home organization businesses earlier in the month. Our spending…

5 Proven Steps a Remodeler Should Use to Take Your Digital Marketing Game to the Next Level (Part 2 of a 2 Part Series)

Digital marketing results for remodeling contractors | innovate Building Solutions | #DigitalMarketing #MarketingIdeas #MarketingTips #BusinessGrowth
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To start out, I’ll just put it this way.

Digital marketing is a contact sport.

Just like your favorite football team (I’ll confess I’m a long-suffering Cleveland Browns fan) you need a plan. You need to know where to start. You need to build up your own team (in this case your digital properties) because in a digital world you’re competing for attention.

Unlike your favorite football team (or players) you’re probably not going viral. You’ll…

Are trade shows a wise investment for your remodeling business?

Are trade shows a wise investment for your remodeling business | Innovate Building Solutions | #TradeShows #RemodelingTradeShows #HGShow #RemodelingShows
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I’ll admit it right up front. I have a love/hate relationship with exhibiting at trade shows for my remodeling and wholesale supply businesses. Here’s what I love about trade shows.

The ‘goods’ about trade shows

As a ‘people-person’ I love past customers coming to our booth, sharing how they’re enjoying their shower wall panels, or glass block windows or new master closet we designed, supplied and/or installed for them.

I love meeting new…

5 Ways to be Another Mediocre Bathroom Remodeler Who’s Crazy-Busy, but Not Very Profitable

Mediocre Bathroom Remodeler whos crazy busy, but not very profitable | Innovate Builders Blog | Innovate Building Solutions | #BathroomRemodeler #ContractorTips #MarketingforContractors #BathroomRemodeling
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2018 was crazy-busy. Between bidding, ordering and sweating (literally) installing bathroom remodeling jobs, you’ve been busier than ever.

However, when you look at your checking account balance and how many of Emma’s volleyball games and Jacob’s soccer practices you’ve missed (or arrived late wearing your dirty work clothes), you know you have cause to pause. In your quiet moments you’ve asked, “Is it all worth it?”

You’ve thought, maybe…