Posts in the ‘Remodeling’ Category

Dealer Spotlight – Best Construction Brands- Combining People, Passion & Products for an Exceptional Bath Remodel

Opening Dealer Spotlight – Best Construction Brands- Combining People, Passion & Products for an Exceptional Bath Remodel
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Let’s face it – no matter where you live there’s A LOT of bath remodeling contractors to choose from. And some are good – but others will make you regret the day you met them (and I’ll tell you as a guy who leads a nationwide bathroom products wholesale business, I’ve seen the good, the bad and the UGLY in remodeling contractors over my years in the biz).   

So, if you’re a homeowner what can you learn from a successful bathroom remodeler to…

How Do I Start a Shower and Bathroom Wall Panel Business?

How to start a shower and bathroom wall panel business | Innovate Building Solutions | Innovate Builders Blog | #BuildersBlog #InnovativeProjects #StartingaBusiness #RemodelingBusiness
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Chris and I talked in depth about our laminated shower wall panel dealership opportunity (note: these laminate covered bathroom and kitchen backsplash panels look like tile and stone and install like laminate flooring with a simple click system).

I was impressed with his understanding of kitchen and bathroom remodeling, how he’d built his team, his position in the market and how he uses digital technology to grow. Chris is rockin’ it in his…

7 Reasons Your Shower Wall Panel Systems Are Holding Your Bathroom Remodeling Business Back

shower wall panels are holding your business back | Innovate Building Solutions | #ShowerWallPanels #BuildingProducts #BathroomWallPanels #HowToCleanGrout
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Your shower wall panel margins are going south. You have higher material and labor costs. Competition up the wazoo (hey – what the heck is a wazoo anyway?). Higher lead-gen costs due to less calls from print ads and escalating PPC bids haven’t helped either.

You think back to the ‘good old days’ when your ‘bath in a day’ wall panel business was as lucrative as the vinyl replacement window business in the late 1990’s.

That’s NOT the world you…

The Pros and Cons of Becoming an Acrylic Shower Wall Panel Dealer (with 3 alternatives if you hate acrylic walls)

Blog Post - Opening image pros cons becoming an acrylic shower wall panel dealer | Innovate Building Solutions #WallPanels #CustomShowerRemodel #ShowerRemodel
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Perhaps you’ve dreamed of owning your own bathroom remodeling business and enjoying the profits which come with ownership. However, today you’re ‘just’ a subcontract installer, or sales rep or manager who ‘gets to’ watch your owner enjoy the fruits (literally) of your labor. You’re thinking becoming an acrylic shower wall panel dealer (and starting your own business) could be right for you.

Or perhaps you own a small residential general…

The Benefits of a Bath and Shower Visualizer to Close More Remodeling Sales and Reduce Mistakes

The Benefits of a Bath and Shower Visualizer to Close More Remodeling Sales and Reduce Mistakes | bathroom remodeling | Dealers | Bathroom Dealers
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Are customer selections slowing down your bathroom remodeling sales and dropping your closing percentages? Instead of getting a check after presentations are you waiting weeks and weeks for your prospect to visit the cabinet shop, your flooring supplier and to see the tub and shower surround panels you’re recommending?

And even after they do visit these businesses, are they even MORE confused how the patterns will look in a complete room (or if…

5 Reasons You Should Eliminate Tile Bathrooms and Showers in Your New Home or Remodel

Antique Grey with black decorative laminate panels | Innovate Building Solutions | #AntiqueGrey #ShowerPanels #BathroomWallPanels
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“I’ve eliminated tile in my homes (even in the bathrooms). My building process has been revolutionized with laminated wall panels and flooring.
If you’re still using tile; you need to stop right now!”

This quote from David Profenno, President of Home Town Builders (a production builder in Central Florida) may shock you. Eliminating tile in your bathrooms, may seem as sacrilegious as skipping a roof to new home builders and remodelers.
